Couples have shared on facebook heartbreaking  pictures of their sick six months old baby who just test positive for coronavirus after...

Six Months old who survived Open Heart Surgery Test Positive For Coronavirus

Six Months old who survived Open Heart Surgery Test Positive For Coronavirus
Couples have shared on facebook heartbreaking pictures of their sick six months old baby who just test positive for coronavirus after she survived heart surgery.
The child, Erin Bates by name is now breathing with the help of a ventilator. She have also suffered with windpipe issues since birth
Erin Bates was born weighing just 5lbs, 4oz and few months of treatments her parent were happy she stood a good chance of recovery.
On Friday April 10, 2020 Erin Bates was having coronavirus symptoms and test was immediately conduct on her which she tested positive.
Her pictures were release by Metro Uk with approval of her parents. Her father Mr Bates wrote:
‘People are still not taking this outbreak seriously and that upsets me. I take it personally. Even before we went into lockdown, when we went into a supermarket we were anxious because our daughter is susceptible to viruses. But people still don’t seem to have any concept of personal space. There was a picture I’ve seen of a beach where there was an ice cream hut open with people queuing outside like it was a normal day. It horrifies me that people still are not sticking to the lockdown measures. It does upset both of us.’
Erin Bates had open heart surgery last year in December after which she suffered respiratory syntactical virus. Erin Bates mother posted on facebook, she wrote:
‘Both myself and Wayne are utterly heartbroken yet again that we are in a position where we may lose our little girl if she doesn’t carry on fighting. Please, please, please keep Erin in your prayers. We can’t lose her over this virus. She has battled through too much – we need her, she completes us.’
She added: ‘I hope that those who haven’t taken this virus seriously read this and I hope it now sinks in.
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