The birth to death there are several steps in our life. What’s that child hood, teenage season, adult duration, old season etc. It is call...

A successful Marriage Life


The birth to death there are several steps in our life. What’s that

child hood, teenage season, adult duration, old season etc. It is call the

life cycle. In this life cycle there are many situations. We get start

education in our child hood. It is spending under our parents. But when

we came our teenage season we get in adults. Then we befall do the

jobs, befall the indeed about society. Specially we befall come our

second life. It is the marriage life.

If be success the marriage life not only be good both of husband or

wife. But also may be good both of them. In the lord Buddha’s

philosophy there are many lecturers about success marriage life. Our

lord Buddha said how is couple spend life in trusty. The most important

module of society is the family. As well as husband and wife are main

members in this family. If live trusty husband and wife, we can see

many successful results. They are

  •  Grow the peace and happiness in the family.
  •  Be good children’s mental health.
  •  Lower the fight and fracas.
  •  Be an exemplary person in society.
  •  According to Buddhism philosophy after death be born in the


There are many important points in the ‘sigalowada sutta’ about

how spend a successful marriage life. Thereof our lord Buddha

explain two points. They are

  •  Duties from husband to wife.
  •  Duties from wife to husband.

There are five duties perform from husband to wife.

1. Respect.

2. Not to abasement.

3. Not to resort other women.

4. Devolution the home responsibilities.

5. Supply the conditions own wife.

As well as there are five duties perform also wife to husband.

1. Organize the home doings in best.

2. Treat in best to associative persons.

3. Not to resort other men.

4. Protect earned fortune.

5. Adeptness and Quickly every doings.

However in the present situation we get see many marriage

affairs are unsuccessfully. Bit by bit increase divorce cases. As

well as although they live together and same home, but they as

outsiders. No peace, No love, No affection and many problems.

There are many reasons to that. They are disbelief, not to respect,

mismatching the ideas of each. Etc.

According to above mentioned there are so many important

points that how spend the successful marriage life. Specially it

explain through the lord Buddha’s teaching. Further if husband and

wife have trust, respect, love, kindness, matching ideasof each,

every couple can spend best family life.

Writing bysachethana marasinghe


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