ThichNaht Hanh , the Zen Buddhist master, has some interesting advice about what it means to truly let go. Many people mistake detachment ...


ThichNaht Hanh, the Zen Buddhist master, has some interesting advice about what it means to truly let go. Many people mistake detachment or non-clinging to be a form of aloofness, or emotional disconnect from others, but as Hanh explains, truly letting go often means loving someone more than you have ever loved them before.

The Buddha taught that detachment, one of the disciplines on the Noble Path, also called ariyasaavaka, is not a physical act of withdrawal or even a form of austerity. Though the Buddha teaches of a “non-action which is an integral part of the Right Way,” if it is taken out of context it can give the impression that we should develop a lack of concern for others, and that we should live without truly feeling or expressing our emotions – cutting ourselves off from life.

These type of misinterpretations are sadly common, since there are not always direct translations from the Paali language into English.

This form of “detachment” is an erroneous understanding of the Buddha’s message. Master Hanh states that to truly let go we must learn to love more completely. Non-attachment only happens when our love for another extends beyond our own personal expectations of gain, or our anticipation of a specific, desired outcome.

Hanh describes four forms of complete detachment, which surprisingly, aren’t about holing yourself up in a cave and ignoring everyone who has broken your heart, or ignoring your lust or desire for a romantic interest. This is not detachment. Letting go, means diving in. For example:

Maitri (Not the Love You Know)

Hanh describes the importance of Maitri, not love as we normally understand in a Westernized use of the word. He states,

“The first aspect of true love is maitri (metta, in Pali), the intention and capacity to offer joy and happiness. To develop that capacity, we have to practice looking and listening deeply so that we know what to do and what not to do to make others happy. If you offer your beloved something she does not need, that is not maitri. You have to see her real situation or what you offer might bring her unhappiness.”

In other words, your detachment may come in accepting that certain things you would normally do to make another person feel loved and appreciated may not be what the person you are actively loving now, needs. Instead of forcing that behavior on another person, with an egoic intent to “please” them, you simply detach from that need in yourself, and truly observe what makes another person feel comfortable, safe, and happy.

Hanh further explains,

“We have to use language more carefully. “Love” is a beautiful word; we have to restore its meaning. The word “maitri” has roots in the word mitra which means friend. In Buddhism, the primary meaning of love is friendship.”

Karuna (Compassion)

The next form of true detachment is compassion. When we let go, we don’t stop offering a compassionate touch, word, or deed to help someone who is in pain. We also don’t expect to take their hurt or pain away. Compassion contains deep concern, though. It is not aloofness It is not isolation from others.

The Buddha smiles because he understands why pain and suffering exist, and because he also knows how to transform it. You become more deeply involved in life when you become detached form the outcome, but this does not mean you don’t participate fully – even in others’ pain.

Gratitude and Joy

In truly letting go you practice gratitude. Mudita, or joy arises when we are overcome with gratitude for all that we have, such that we no longer cling to some other longed-for result. The Buddha’s definition of joy is more like “Unselfish joy.” It means that we don’t only find happiness when something good happens to us, but when others find happiness.

If you’ve ever had to say goodbye to a love or friend so that they could continue on their life’s path – one that may not have continued to intertwine with your own – you may have felt pain when they found someone new to love, or made a new friend that seemed to take your place. This is not true detachment. Joy arises when you find happiness even when others find joy – and it has little or nothing to do with you.

Upeksha (Equanimity)

Master Hanh describes the final quality of true love which sheds inordinate light on the true process of letting go.

He states,

“The fourth element of true love is upeksha, which means equanimity, non-attachment, nondiscrimination, even-mindedness, or letting go. Upa means “over,” and iksha means “to look.” You climb the mountain to be able to look over the whole situation, not bound by one side or the other. If your love has attachment, discrimination, prejudice, or clinging in it, it is not true love.

People who do not understand Buddhism sometimes think upeksha means indifference, but true equanimity is neither cold nor indifferent. If you have more than one child, they are all your children. Upeksha does not mean that you don’t love. You love in a way that all your children receive your love, without discrimination.”

Hanh explains that without this quality our love tends to become possessive – a stomping ground of the ego. We try to put our beloved in our pocket and carry them with us, when they are more like the wind, or a butterfly, or a stream, needing to move and flow, or risk dying. This is not love, this is destruction.

For love to be true love, it must have elements of compassion, joy, and equanimity – and this is truly letting go.

The Art of Letting Go is Artless

The real secret is that letting go is not an art, it is an allowing, a being. A non-attached relationship is healthy, strong and filled with effortless love, kindness and compassion. It is completely selfless because your sense of ‘self’ is no longer asserted in every situation. If you want to truly let go, you’ve got to love more, not less. This is the most common misunderstanding about this priceless teaching of the Buddha.

Who are the parents? When see the sun shine flower bud are blooming. Parents are like that. They give new life to us as a valuable gift. The...

Who are the parents? When see the sun shine flower bud are

blooming. Parents are like that. They give new life to us as a valuable gift.
There are so many lectures in lord Buddha’s philosophy about that. Lord
Buddha has explain many ways how considerate to parents.

  •  We can treat to them visit our parents. (ahuneiya)
  •  We can treat to them when they come our home as acquired. (Pahuneiya)
  • Donation to parents. (Dakkhineiya)
  • Worshiping. (Anjalikaraniya)

As well as there is the ‘sigalowada sutta’ so many things about

treating to the parents. It says our duties for parents. They are

1. Feeding
2. Searching their works and doing them.
3. Protecting traditional customs.
4. Protect dowries.
5. Give merits after their death.

Further one day a god asked a question from lord Buddha said
‘Mangala sutta’. It’s explain that treating to parents are good auspicious.
In ‘wasala sutta’ also give good ideas about treating parents.
People those who are not treating parents they called that out-cast people.
According to that we can understand Lord Buddha’s philosopy is described
about importance of parents.

In the present society we can see big gap between parents and
children. The main reason for it is effect of science and technology. All the
people get in prisonors 0f modern technology. Therefore we can see huge
increase of decline of good qualities. Specially the situation of parent’s
background. Because of them now we can see Elder’s homes in everywhere. In
small times parents treat their children to every moments for giving education
and many facilities. After children grow well and get good jobs and start new
life with marriage, they neglect their parents. The children see lots of dreams
without parents. So parents life getting bad day by day with tears.

For that we can change the world with learns of Lord budhdha. He
teaches us to about the ‘Karmaya’ and we can enlightenment it very well. Then
we can build good bond and affection with our parents. It may be good wishes
for our lives as the children.

Writing by sachethana marasinghe

  The birth to death there are several steps in our life. What’s that child hood, teenage season, adult duration, old season etc. It is call...


The birth to death there are several steps in our life. What’s that

child hood, teenage season, adult duration, old season etc. It is call the

life cycle. In this life cycle there are many situations. We get start

education in our child hood. It is spending under our parents. But when

we came our teenage season we get in adults. Then we befall do the

jobs, befall the indeed about society. Specially we befall come our

second life. It is the marriage life.

If be success the marriage life not only be good both of husband or

wife. But also may be good both of them. In the lord Buddha’s

philosophy there are many lecturers about success marriage life. Our

lord Buddha said how is couple spend life in trusty. The most important

module of society is the family. As well as husband and wife are main

members in this family. If live trusty husband and wife, we can see

many successful results. They are

  •  Grow the peace and happiness in the family.
  •  Be good children’s mental health.
  •  Lower the fight and fracas.
  •  Be an exemplary person in society.
  •  According to Buddhism philosophy after death be born in the


There are many important points in the ‘sigalowada sutta’ about

how spend a successful marriage life. Thereof our lord Buddha

explain two points. They are

  •  Duties from husband to wife.
  •  Duties from wife to husband.

There are five duties perform from husband to wife.

1. Respect.

2. Not to abasement.

3. Not to resort other women.

4. Devolution the home responsibilities.

5. Supply the conditions own wife.

As well as there are five duties perform also wife to husband.

1. Organize the home doings in best.

2. Treat in best to associative persons.

3. Not to resort other men.

4. Protect earned fortune.

5. Adeptness and Quickly every doings.

However in the present situation we get see many marriage

affairs are unsuccessfully. Bit by bit increase divorce cases. As

well as although they live together and same home, but they as

outsiders. No peace, No love, No affection and many problems.

There are many reasons to that. They are disbelief, not to respect,

mismatching the ideas of each. Etc.

According to above mentioned there are so many important

points that how spend the successful marriage life. Specially it

explain through the lord Buddha’s teaching. Further if husband and

wife have trust, respect, love, kindness, matching ideasof each,

every couple can spend best family life.

Writing bysachethana marasinghe

In Kansas City, Missouri, a 2-year-old soiled his pants, tragically, the man watching him at the time decided that an appropria...

In Kansas City, Missouri, a 2-year-old soiled his pants, tragically, the man watching him at the time decided that an appropriate punishment would be to throw the child into a tub of boiling water.
Daniel Rose, 32, was watching his girlfriend’s son Korbin when the incident occurred.

Image Credit: Caters News Agency

According to reports, the toddler’s mother, DJ Gilbert, was at work.
Korbin sustained third-degree burns on his little body and spent three weeks in the hospital with a catheter, an IV, and an N-tube – all of which helped to keep him alive.

Image Credit: Caters News Agency

The burns caused damage to Korbin’s bowels and stomach, which meant he couldn’t drink, eat, or go to the bathroom without assistance.

Image Credit: Caters News Agency
Doctors feared that Korbin would never walk again, but with time and patience, Korbin has overcome!

Image Credit: Caters News Agency

Gilbert said Korbin’s skin was bright red and had patches of white where it was peeling off.Korbin had third-degree burns on his genitals, butt, most of his legs and around his waist.

Image Credit: Caters News Agency

Rose was arrested and sentenced to 12 years in jail for first-degree assault.Gilbert was shocked that Rose did this, she claims there had been no red flags.

Image Credit: N/A

At first, Rose even lied about what happened, he said that Korbin had a ‘rash.’
Gilbert knew better when she saw the shocking images of her son’s body.

Image Credit: Caters News Agency

Gilbert stated that Rose had once been in the military and had thought he was trustworthy.
She had known him for fifteen years but had only been dating him for a few months when the incident occurred.
Share away, people.

Exercising your brain at regular intervals is healthy and necessary, especially during these difficult times. It’s difficult to get into...

Exercising your brain at regular intervals is healthy and necessary, especially during these difficult times. It’s difficult to get into the habit of exercising your body or mind. But a good challenge is more fun than you might think, and a great way to improve your skills. 

Thanks to the internet, you can find hundreds of thousands of challenges to test your abilities or just pass the time.

It can be anything, from classic riddles, to math equations where you must remember the rule of operations from your school days.

Besides, few things feel as good as when you overcome a mental trial on your own!
Relaxing your mind by solving puzzles and exercising your brain may sound a little contradictory. However, the fact is that they help you forget most of the things that worry or stress you. The most common ones are perhaps crossword puzzles and sudoku, since they always come in the newspaper. But today, thanks to technology, you no longer have to limit yourself to one or two types of puzzles.

Need maximum focus
One of the most popular challenges on the web right now is finding specific details inside an image.

The picture can comprise all kinds of shapes and forms, just about anything, while things might look the same or just normal, a small detail or two will stand out if you look carefully.

However, these details might be hard to find, so you need to push your senses and focus as much as possible.

If you pay proper attention, you will succeed and get to be proud of your accomplishment.

Can you find the letter that stands out?
Here comes today’s challenge.

Below you’ll see a picture containing lots of 7s, but somewhere inside the image, a letter hides. Your challenge is to find that letter.

find the letter
Here comes the picture – can you find the letter?

It might not be easy, but if you make an effort, you should be able to solve it.

If you can’t find it, then the answer will be after the picture below.

Here is the right answer
If you didn’t see it, there is no problem; most of my friends couldn’t find it either.

solution find the letter

In the picture below, you’ll see the answer.

There, high up in the corner, a Z is hiding. It’s very much like a 7, so it was certainly no walk in the park to find it.

Congratulations if you found the hidden Z!

You could eat only sunlight or to be in more than one place at a time? That’s right, I’m talking about the super-human abilities tha...

You could eat only sunlight or to be in more than one place at a time? That’s right, I’m talking about the super-human abilities that can be gained by those who follow ancient technique know as sun-gazing, a valid practice recently confirmed by NASA. Many proponents of this technique, used by many cultures such as Mayan, Egyptian, Aztec, Tibetan and Indian yoga, report not only healing benefits to common illnesses, but obtaining super-human abilities such as advanced telepathy and going completely without the need for food. 

What is Sun Gazing? 
Sun gazing (also known as sun-eating) is a strict practice of gradually introducing sunlight into your eyes at the lowest ultraviolet-index times of day – sunrise and sunset. Those who teach the practice say there are several rules to the practice. First, it must be done within the hour after sunrise or before sunset to avoid damaging the eyes. Second, you must be barefoot, in contact with the actual earth – sand, dirt or mud; and finally, you must begin with only 10 seconds the first day, increasing by 10 second intervals each day you practice. Following these rules make the practice safe, says sources. 

Nikolai Dolgoruky of the Ukraine calls himself a ‘sun-eater’. He has been practicing sun gazing for the past 12 years and has largely subsisted off solar energy since he began. Others have reported losing the need for food after only 9 months of sun gazing (by which time the practitioner has worked up to a maximum of 44 minutes). After 9 months of practice, you need only walk barefoot on the earth for 45 minutes per day, 6 days in a row to further the process of what has been initiated by sun gazing. 

Sun-gazing is a practice also called the HRM phenomenom, coined as such after Hira Ratan Manek, the man who submitted himself to NASA for scientific testing to confirm that he does indeed possess the almost ‘super-human’ ability of not eating, gained through his dedication to this interesting marvel. Funded by NASA, a team of medical doctors at the University of Pennsylvania observed Hira 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for 100 days. NASA confirmed that he was indeed able to survive largely on light with occasionally a small amount of buttermilk or water during this time. 

What happens to the body during Sun Gazing? 
During your first 3 months of practice, the suns energy is moving through the eyes and charging the hypothalamus tract, says those who have studied this technique and used it. The hypothalamus tract is the pathway to the rear of the retina which leads to the brain. The brain then, over time, becomes activated by the energy supply being received by the sun. You will first experience a relief of mental tension and worry, since most worry is fueled by the energy received by the foods we eat. Since food gets it’s energy from the sun, it is said to be readily available to sun-eaters without the trouble of digestion. Though hunger is said to eventually cease, it is fine to continue eating regularly during initial stages, until appetite disappears naturally. 

Another benefit early on is said to be an increase in confidence and an ability to easily solve your problems, as you are without tension. Everyone has at least a bit of psychosis, but during the first few months of sun gazing practice, it is reported that these attitudes go away and a positive nature gracefully replaces the old persona full of fears. By the end of 3 months, the gazing time will have increased to 15 minutes per day. 

Reports on sun gazing say that the bad qualities normally associated with any person will gradually disappear and good qualities will remain, explaining that ‘bad qualities’ only develop in the absence of sunlight. Bad qualities like anger, fear, jealousy, lust – are said to disappear – and be replaced by a certain confidence and ‘spiritual knowing’ that senses more purely the heart of an issue. 

At 3-6 months of gazing, the studies show that physical diseases start to disappear. They say that by the time one is gazing 30 minutes per day (building up 10 seconds per day) all the colors of the sun will have reached the brain. Color therapists attribute their healing of certain diseases to flooding the body and brain with the particular color that is lacking – depending on the ailment. For example, in liver disease, the color green is deficient. The kidneys need red, and the heart, yellow. All of the organs and all of the systems are said to respond to different colors of the rainbow, which is why it is also recommended to eat a diet rich in a variety of colors. It is recommended during the 3-4 month period that you use autosuggestion to see your body already healed of any perceived weakness or disease. This action will facilitate the process of returning to wholeness. 

As you continue the process, it is reported that after 6 months, the energy stored from the technique is no longer being used for repairing the body or the mind and can move now into supporting you in gaining more super-human abilities.What’s Beyond Healing? 

By seven and a half months of gazing, now at 35 minutes, need and desire for food is dwindling. According to sun gazing experts, food is not actually needed to maintain the body, only energy – and ‘sun-eating’ provides that energy. By 9 months, all taste for food, including aroma, all hunger pains and cravings disappear. Those who make it this far say that they report a noticeable ‘change’ in the way their brain feels – like it’s “charged up.” After 9 months of sun-gazing – reaching a maximum of 44 minutes – it is advised that you give up sun-gazing and redirect your attention now to the Earth. 

For 6 days straight, one is to walk barefoot on the earth, 45 minutes per day. During this barefoot walking, the pineal gland is said to become activated. Professional sun gazers and those researching the science say that each toe is connected to a specific gland, and by walking barefoot on the Earth, you activate these glands. The big toe is thought to be aligned with the pineal gland, the second toe with the pituitary, then the hypothalamus, thalamus and finally the pinky toe correlates to the amygdala. Walking barefoot, with the sun now falling on the top of your head, practitioners claim to create a sort of magnetic field in and around your body that recharges you and your brain. 

Apparently this walking barefoot part is the most important aspect of the practice. As you continue walking on the Earth, this is when the magic really begins. The pineal gland is activated more and more by this walking procedure. Intellect is said to increase, along with memory. The pineal gland has navigational and psychic capabilities, meaning telepathy, the possibility of flight… now we are getting somewhere! Have you ever thought you would like to have your body in more than one place at a time? Well, sun-gazing is said to be the magical key to such abilities. 

If you can barefoot walk 45 minutes every day for a year – you are golden. At that point, only a maintenance of 3-4 days a week is necessary to maintain the capabilities you have acquired. 

Are there any dangers? 
Doctors and eye care professionals caution against looking directly at the sun, saying that it will damage the retina. However, if done correctly, sun-gazing at the correct times of day, studies show there is no risk of damaging the eyes. Those who have been sun gazing for many years have had their eyes checked to show no damage, though it is advised that you have your eyes checked in the first few weeks of your practice, so you can know for yourself. 

To sum it all up… 
Remember, it’s 10 seconds the first day, at sunrise or sunset, adding 10 seconds per day each day there after. After 90 days of accumulative gazing equaling 44 minutes, you cease the gazing and start the barefoot walking 45 minutes per day for 6 days. At this point, I could imagine, hey – if you made it this far, what’s a year of barefoot walking an hour per day to keep it all? You will have to try it out and see for yourself. 

If you are really interested in gaining super-human abilities, confirmed by like NASA, as the ones mentioned above, sun gazing sounds like a fairly straightforward path to enlightenment. To find out more about sun-gazing and how others have done it, visit the website on Sun-Gazing.

Tracy Maguire remembers the moment she saw doctors insert a swab into her three-week-old baby's nose to test for coronaviru...

Peyton Maguire

Tracy Maguire remembers the moment she saw doctors insert a swab into her three-week-old baby's nose to test for coronavirus.

The new mother says it is one of the "worst things" she has seen.

"It was the first time I'd seen my baby cry tears," she said. "I held her, I was crying and we were just trying to get each other through the situation".

Born prematurely at just 3lbs 5oz (1.5kg), baby Peyton was diagnosed with Covid-19 at just three weeks old.

Her arrival on 26 March - eight weeks before her due date - defied all of the family's planning.

Despite feeling healthy, Tracy was told she may have pre-eclampsia during a routine appointment and was sent straight to Wishaw General Hospital in Lanarkshire.
Tracy Maguire

'She's fine - but she has Covid-19'
After those first weeks, during which Peyton enjoyed a bath in the ward, she began to show the slightest of symptoms - a sniffle and a few coughs, almost undetectable.

Tracy told BBC Radio Scotland's Mornings with Kaye Adams programme the news that her baby had become one of the country's youngest virus patients was traumatic.

"They said 'she's fine, don't panic - but she has tested positive for coronavirus'," said Tracy.

"I think the doctor was trying to keep me calm but I was sobbing.

"As much as she was fine I thought at what point was she with the virus? How is she fighting against it when she's so wee? It was just the unknown."
Tracy Maguire
Peyton was given steroids to help strengthen her lungs and received "amazing" care from neonatal nurses in the days that followed her diagnosis.

However, after recovering from her Caesarean section, Tracy was told she would have to go home and isolate for 14 days away from her baby.

She said: "I was pleading on the phone with the doctor saying I don't want to be away from her.

"As much as everyone was looking after her, I'm her mum. Even if it was the cold, I'd want to be there with her."

Doctors relented and allowed Tracy to stay - but Adrian would have to go home and complete the isolation period in order to see his baby girl.

As days passed, the number of deaths in Scotland caused by the virus continued to increase - but Peyton recovered.

She and Tracy were discharged on Monday and Adrian has now held her for the first time since leaving hospital.

Tracy said: "From Adrian's point of view, I think he felt a bit useless - first his baby is coming early and secondly his wife isn't well and he couldn't be there."

'Put your trust in nurses'
Now home and settling into a routine, Tracy and family have praised the doctors and nurses at Wishaw General who guided them through a remarkable and daunting birth.
Peyton Maguire

Tracy said: "They are doing a job that is unreal - they put their life at risk to make sure my baby was getting fed and cuddled in their full PPE.

"It's spectacular, you'll never understand how grateful you can be to people. Peyton is my most precious thing in the whole world and I trusted them to look after her.

"To any mums that are worried, put your trust in these nurses."

SeeThis is a beautiful video

SeeThis is a beautiful video

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